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Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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Thesaur Plus Important Information
Released June 1992
Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 By Derrick Burgess
Thesaur Plus is a memory resident thesaurus, it resides in memory
until you hit a hot-key (user definable) and then Thesaur Plus pops
up over the program you are currently running, it automatically
looks up the word the cursor is under (if not it asks for a word to
look for) and displays the synonyms (if the word is located).
There are approximately 15,000 main words and close to 80,000
synonyms in this version (this is 30,000 words greater than v 2.x).
There is also a program that allows you to add your own words as
synomyms, and even delete words that you think are inappropriate.
Minimum requirements for running Thesaur Plus.
DOS 3.0 or greater
Hard drive with 400k free
25K of RAM for memory resident program
Files on this disk:
THESPLUS.NEW What's new with Thesaur Plus? file
THESPLUS.DOC Documentation for Thesaur Plus
THESPLUS.TXT Thesaur Plus Registration form
UNDOCMNT.TXT Thesaur/Plus Undocumented features
CONFIG.EXE Thesaur Plus Configuration of Colors/HotKey
also changing of colors and HotKey later
THESPLUS.EXE Thesaur Plus Memory Resident thesaurus v3.0
THESAUR.EXE Thesaur (Non TSR) Thesaurus + Data editor
REINDEX.EXE Thesaur Plus Data Re-Indexer
ADDMOD.EXE Thesaur Plus - Add's THESPLUS.MOD to data
file - for use in upgrading from
previous versions.
THESPLUS.CFG Configuration File (Modified by config.exe)
THESPLUS.DAT Thesaur Plus Data file
THESPLUS.NDX Thesaur Plus Data Index File
THESPLUS.SRT Thesaur Plus Data - Sorted Order
THESPLUS.MOD Not Included, but created when you Add or Delete
a synonym via Thesaur.
How to Install Thesaur Plus
Thesaur Plus should reside on your Hard Drive, so you
will need to copy all the files from this disk to the
subdirectory of your choice on the Hard drive.
(Thesaur Plus does not care what drive or directory it is on,
but all the files MUST stay together in the same directory!)
Once you have all the files where you would like, you can then
run CONFIG.EXE to change the Default Colors and Hot Key.
Once you have copied the files (If you wish) and changed the
Default Colors and HotKey (Again, If you wish) - to Load Thesaur
Plus into memory just run the file THESPLUS.EXE, or if you are not
in the current drive or directory you will have to add those too.
Thesaur / Thesaur Plus
Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 By Derrick Burgess
Member, Association of Shareware Professionals.